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Baumgartner sends Costner to the showers
US magazine's "Hot Stuff" column is reporting that Christine has given the Bull Durham star his free-agency. (HT: Gabsmash)
Hot Stuff has learned that Christine Baumgartner, 32, Kevin Costner's bride of less than two years, may have left the Oscar-winning actor-director, 51. At issue: the revelation that Costner was accused of "pleasuring himself" (according to a spa staffer) during a massage in October 2004, while on his honeymoon with Baumgartner in Scotland. "Christine is furious about the charges, and they are living separately," a source close to Costner tells Hot Stuff. "Costner told her he would do anything and would go to sex therapy." But the source adds that Baumgartner doesn't believe Costner, who is shuttling between Europe and Louisiana for work. Costner's rep tells US, "Your story is clearly false."
I guess that would explain Christine's no-show at the BMW Charity Pro-Am golf tournament back in April and the two houses in Santa Barbara.
Sorry about that, Kevin.
Posted by Rodger on May 29, 2006 at 05:09 PM | Permalink
I have to say he sure wasnt looking that happy on his wedding day. He was obviously less happy on his honeymoon.
Posted by: loralei | May 29, 2006 9:29:42 PM
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