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"We think they've had long enough …"


The U.S. is finally losing patience with Iran's see-no-evil schtick.

From today's State Department press briefing:

Question: New topic? Have you heard back anything from the Iranians on Mr. Levinson?

Mr. McCormack: We have not heard any formal reply to our request for a status of his welfare and whereabouts.

Question: When you made this formal -- this most recent formal request, did you give them a specific deadline at which point you wanted to hear the information or just said as soon as possible or are you putting any kind of time constraints on --

Mr. McCormack:
We didn't, but the expectation is that you have a rapid response. They have had a sufficient period of time to pulse their system, to investigate and to determine where he might be. As I said yesterday, we believe he's still in Iran so we're looking to the Iranian officials to fill us in on what they know about his whereabouts.

Question: Do you have any reason to believe that they're kind of stonewalling you or that they know and they're not telling you, or do you think that they're in good faith looking into the matter?

Mr. McCormack: At this point, we haven't heard back from them with a formal reply so I think we'll have a better idea once we hear actually back from the Iranians via the Swiss in a formal way as to where we stand.


Question: So you don't think they're (inaudible) around here, the fact that they haven't replied, that this guy has been missing and you think he's in Iran?

Mr. McCormack: We think they've had long enough to determine where Mr. Levinson is. We're looking for a formal reply.

Could it perhaps be time for a couple more Quds Brigade commanders to disappear?

Posted by Rodger on April 17, 2007 at 08:13 PM | Permalink


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