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Joe Trento has second thoughts
Joe Trento has concluded, based on a new story from Dawud Salahuddin, that Bobby Levinson is still in Iranian custody.
National Security News Service incorrectly reported on April 30 that Iran had decided to release retired FBI agent Robert Levinson. NSNS regrets the error. The source of that information was the American fugitive that Levinson met with in Iran before he disappeared on March 8 on Kish Island.
Trento, however, seems to be growing more skeptical of Salahuddin's credibility:
Salahuddin has been a reliable source for NSNS since 1995. But the circumstances surrounding the Levinson disappearance have raised questions about how much pressure Salahuddin is under in Iran to carry out the instructions of the hard line regime. Outside of Iran Belfield would be subject to arrest and extradition back to the United States. Did Salahuddin lure Levinson to the free trade zone of Kish in order to set him up for the Iranian authorities to grab the 6” 4” tall 59 year-old Levinson?
It's sure starting to look that way. The fact that both men were arrested and detained by authorities on Kish—with Salahuddin being released a few hours later—strikes me as at least circumstantial evidence that Salahuddin was working cooperatively with Iranian security.
Still Salahuddin bristles at the idea that he's an agent of the mullahcracy:
"This thing about handlers," he says, "I don't have any handlers, I report to no one. I am a private person not a 'low level intelligence asset' as some call it. People over there watch too many of their own movies."
Or maybe we've just seen enough of Salahuddin's.
Don't forget to sign the Free Bobby! petition.
Posted by Rodger on May 14, 2007 at 11:21 PM | Permalink
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